Like fashion, the trends in our social and professional lives also keep taking turns and rotate in a cycle over time. We could see that large families gave way to nuclear ones owing to the need of the time, but now we can also sight a reversal of the trend. People are not, of course, going back to the big family culture, but they are now trying to spend more time with the family and kids. Many of the professional fathers are trying to take as much time out as possible from work and stay indoors with the kids and family. Playing with the little one, spending quality time with the spouse has gained more importance in the recent years. A result of tis changing trend worldwide can be seen in the consumption of carpets. With kids playing mostly on the floors, we need to ensure a hygienic floor for them that are also soft and comfortable so that they don’t hurt themselves. Even the adults like to lie down on the floors and do some fun with the kids or merely watch a favorite show on the TV. Carpets can serve all of these purposes, offering cleanliness as well as comfort and aesthetic look. Comfort and design Carpets are mostly handmade out of woolen fibers or other similar varieties. The carpet weavers use mostly the coarse and rough quality of wool for making the hand carpets. Central Asia and Latin America are mostly famous for their carpets, where the weavers collect and use various fibers like vicuna, camel hair, llama fiber and the likes for making their carpets. These fibers may be coarse, but they are also soft and impart a cushion-like effect to the carpets. This cushioning helps to achieve the softness that is much desired in the carpets. Weaving a carpet is a very laborious and time-taking affair. The base has to be woven with coarse and strong threads because these threads will be responsible for the durability, strength and longevity of the carpets. Along with the base, other yarns are interwoven so as to form the surface that has loops and are soft. The surface determines how soft the carpet will be, and how good it will look like. The surface is also responsible for the dust catching capability of the carpets, which is also a major part of its job. The use of various types of fibers and the yarns made out of them, along with the gamut of colors used by the weavers, make the carpets soft, comfortable as well as aesthetically appealing. Carpets therefore equally contribute to the style statement of a home, besides the curtains and other home furnishing products. Design intervention in colors For carpets, the weavers have a lot of varieties to choose from in terms of colors and textures of the yarns. A rough texture will need a different sort of material intervention than a smooth one. Also, the technique of knotting in a carpet contributes to its aesthetics. Today, along with the weavers, the designers are also working in tandem to choose the right kind of yarn and color for the carpets, as the designers know the consumer minds better. Bright and warm tones Carpets were mostly made in dull and subdued colors in order to sync with its usage, but a delightful deviation has been observed in the newer options with bright, nice and warm colors. A reason for this deviation has been the availability of suitable dyes that can offer such colors and at the same time be applied to the protein fibers that carpets are made of. These bright hues definitely make a room alive, and uplift the mood of all, especially the kids at home. Even for the adults, the presence of warm hues can help them feel better after a hard day at work. The application of red, purple, rust and gold, colors on carpets have therefore increased. Use of neutral hues The neutral hues are most popular with the carpets, and there are many reasons for the same. The neutral colors offer a sense of calmness inside a room that many people desire to relax in, after the hullaballoo of the day. They are also not loud enough to disrupt the color coordination of any room where other furniture and upholsteries may be present in different colors. Even if there are other articles in contrasting or loud colors, the neutral colored carpets can easily sync into the room along with them with creating any sort of an optic disturbance. Geometric and abstract patterns Improvements in design technology have helped to imprint newer patterns on the carpets. Geometric patterns have become quite common, where the weaver can play with a combination of one or two geometric shapes and incorporate it into a carpet with proper technique. Earlier, visualization of such patterns was difficult, which has now been solved with the help of improved CAD software. The use of patterns is no more restricted only to the geometric ones. The abstract patterns are also now being made into the carpets. The use of such patterns helps to add to the grandeur of a room. They make the carpet look like a canvas full of imaginations. The subtly rounded corners, for example, offer a sense of softness to the room environment. Stripe effects Carpets with stripe effects are nowadays very familiar. One reason for such carpets being accepted more is that the stripes offer an increased sense of space inside a room. With a space crunch in every home due to budget constraints, this enhanced sense of space is very much needed. Initially, the striped carpets were mostly preferred for common spaces, but now, they are being used also for living and bedrooms. The nature of stripes can vary, being thick or thin, long or short, straight or curved, adding to the availability of choices for a user. In sync with the walls The carpets in colors coordinated with the walls add to the sense of space, expressing itself as an extension of the wall. For living spaces with limited space, such carpets are preferred in order to enhance the sense of space. Our Shopping Centres: Call : +1778-892-8052Email : info@glarashop.caAddress 1 :9855 Austin Ave, Burnaby . Lougheed Mall.Address 2 : 935 Marine dr. North Vancouver. Capilano Mall.Address 3 :10355 152 St, Surrey. Guildford MallAddress 4: 5000 Canoe Pass Way, Delta, Tsawwassen MillsAddress 5: 2929 Barnet Hwy, Coquitlam, BC V3B 5R5, CanadaQuick Links:About UsPersian RugsTurkish RugsModern RugsFurnitureRefund Policy Follow us here: FacebookInstagramYoutube